Weight Loss Diet Guru Archives

Vegetarian diet provides good nutrition

Good nutrition can be provided by vegetarian diet. Adults and children can get adequate nutrition from a vegetarian diet and can also reduce various health problems according an Australian study[Read More]

Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally. To avoid pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance and overweight issues, the best you can do is lowering your blood sugar naturally. Lowering your blood sugar is important to avoid pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance and overweight issues. Lowering your blood sugar naturally keeps your health vital and strong. Here’s how it works
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The Best Weight Loss Pills?

Are these the best weight loss pills? Looking For The Best Weight Loss Pills That’s what everybody who needs to lose weight is looking for. But where do you find that and how can you be sure that you have found the best weight loss pills?Without the help of expert reviews for consumers this can […]

About Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and obesity

It had been several years since she has had any sort of physical due to a lack of insurance. When her results returned, they showed an elevation in her liver enzymes without obvious cause as she did not regularly use medications, drink alcohol, or have a history of drug use. An abdominal ultrasound was ordered
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Best Protein Powder For Women

What Are The Best Protein Powders For Women? Whether you’re looking to lose weight, put on muscle, or just increase your daily protein intake then trying to find a good protein powder for women has probably got you in a bit of a twist. The protein powder industry has been dominated by the men for
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Best Weight Loss Program Found

Best Weight Loss Program with regards to weight loss and the possible best weight loss program that may work for you. If you’re on this page, you’re probably looking for the best weight loss program. Great! I’m here to share with you what I’ve learned with regards to weight loss and the possible best weight
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Gluten or faddish eating, what’s your problem?

Gluten-free products are flying off grocery shelves, and restaurants are boasting of meals with no gluten. Celebrities on TV talk shows chat about the digestive discomfort they blame on the wheat protein they now shun. Some churches even offer gluten-free Communion wafers. Image source: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure… Gluten-free products are flying off grocery shelves, even some churches […]

Are Diet Crutches Working?

Let’s face it: The rules of weight loss—eat less, move more, treats in moderation— are a drag. And they don’t fit with most dieters’ quick-fix, thinner-by-dinner expectations. Cue diet crutches: tricks, based on scant science, that may speed up results. So if a friend swears that munching on grapefruit gets her into skinny jeans, or […]

Weight Loss diet scams

Weight Loss diet scams. We’ve all heard of weight loss diet scams from time to time; claims like ‘Lose weight fast without making an effort’ are a dime a dozen these days. Sadly, many people get lured by such slogans every day. Quick weight loss schemes like these are nothing but weight loss diet … [Read More]