Weight Loss Tips Guru Archives

Learn what your BMI is

Learn what your BMI is! That might be the first thing you should do when you want to lose weight. BMI means Body Mass Index and this gives you an idea of how big your weight problem really is. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from … [Read More]

Good Morning Weight Loss Tip

This goes for weight loss as much as for workout, losing weight, fitness and clean eating…
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See how Somaya Reece take care of her weight loss in a way that works for her.
Maybe her tips (about protein shakes & eating habits) will work for you too.
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Belviq diet pill approved by FDA

Belviq diet pill approved by FDA. As an addition to a weight loss diet and exercise for chronic weight management, the FDA approved the Belviq diet pill for use in adults with a BMI of 30 or greater (obese), or adults with a BMI of 27 or greater (overweight) and at least one condition related to their weight, like high cholesterol, high blood pressur, or type 2 diabetes.
The Belviq diet pill is an anti-obesity drug produced by Arena Pharmaceutical and is the first such diet pill to get FDA approval for long-term weight loss in 13 years.[Read More]

Great weight loss tips for a raw food diet, fruit vs potato chips
This is really a good idea. Consume this great weight loss tips for a raw food diet, and see what fruit vs potato chips can do for you.
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See now what Mama-Buddha.com has to say today…

See what Mama-Buddha.com has to say today…

Hamburgers won’t Harm You

Hamburgers won’t Harm You

Here is how Shaa Lost Weight by Healthy Living. “How To Lose Weight
Shaa hopes this helps in some way shape or form.
Please do not be too harsh on her, this is all she did, She’s not a pro or anything. This is just how she did it even though it didn’t seem like much.
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