Weight Loss Plan Guru Archives


Cut-Up-Food-Diet, the secret is: Small Pieces of Food are More Filling! Cut-Up-Food-Diet, that’s what we like to call it. With this creative diet, whit food served in small pieces you feel full faster, and eat less afterwords.
College students have tried this on themselves and on lab rats. And it worked in both, according to a study by Devina Wadhera and colleagues at Arizona State University. [Read More]

Weight Loss Plan

Weight Loss Plan: Low-carbohydrate diet. Low-carbohydrate diets or low-carb diets are used for weight control or for the treatment of obesity as a legitimate weight-loss plan. Low-carbohydrate diets are dietary programs that … [Read More]

Why does it seem like your quest for a sexy stomach always hits a bump…right about belly-button level? You’re not alone in feeling frustrated: Sixty-two percent of women say the body part they’re most self-conscious about is their belly. But don’t give up hope–just change your thinking. Turns out, some of the old food advice
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If you read this article about strategies and tips for easy weight loss than maybe today you want to know where to buy this amazing Fucoxanthin-Slim Softgels! 90 softgels Curbs appetite Proprietary formula Helps balance [Read More]

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that approximately 1.6 billion adults worldwide are either overweight or obese. So what are you gonna do about it? A modest decrease in weight can help alleviate the increased health risks associated with being overweight or obese. Here are a few simple strategies to kick start your weight loss [Read More]