Sticking to your weight loss goals

Take a look at this eleven minutes video in which Jackie Chu tells about sticking to your weight loss goals. Listen what she tells about calories and numbers and why she only needs 1,700 calories a day to maintain her ideal weight […]

Vegetables Fruit and Salad for Healthy Weight Loss

Eating more vegetables fruit and salad can help you to lose weight. Eating enough vegetables fruit salad can also help prevent heart disease stroke type 2 diabetes obesity and certain cancers. The World Health Organisation estimate that 2.7 million lives could be saved each year simply by eating more fruit & veg![…]

How Much Fruit & Veg Should I Eat?

If you’re watching your weight, we recommend that you aim to eat 2 portions of salad, 5 portions of vegetables and 3 portions of fruit per day. Most people should aim for at least 9 servings of fruit and veg per day. A “serving” or a “portion” is roughly a handful – so for most people a portion would be:

A medium serving of mixed salad leaves
A medium sized apple, orange or pear
A handful of berries […]

Weight-loss surgery may raise risk of alcohol abuse.

A new study shows effects of weight-loss surgery on obese patients alcohol use […]

Omega-3 supplements may not aid aging brain

Some may drink more after weight-loss surgery Some may drink more after Anxiety depression may raise stroke risk Anxiety depression may raise stroke Omega-3 supplements don’t lower heart attack stroke risk for some […]

Unintentional weight loss Cachexia get yourself checked.

Losing weight can be a Herculean task for most of us but if you are losing weight unintentionally and without any effort then something may well be wrong […]

Big weight loss is divine for vicar

A REVITALISED vicar has shed more than four stone in an incredible 14 weeks to help him battle back from health problems […]

How Alcoholism Is Linked to Extreme Weight-Loss

Recent research out of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center sheds new light on the correlation between gastric bypass surgery and the increased risk of developing an alcohol addiction.…

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