Cut-Up-Food-Diet, the secret is: Small Pieces of Food are More Filling!

Cut-Up-Food-Diet, that’s what we like to call it. With this creative diet, whit food served in small pieces you feel full faster, and eat less afterwords.
College students have tried this on themselves and on lab rats. And it worked in both, according to a study by Devina Wadhera and colleagues at Arizona State University.
Devina said: “Cutting up energy-dense foods into smaller pieces may be beneficial to dieters who wish to make their meal more satiating while also maintaining portion control”.
The young researchers tried this on lab rats first. Then the animals were offered a reward for running quickly through a maze. For a number of lab rats, the reward was a single chunk of food. For another group of rats, the reward was 30 small pieces of food weighing the same as the large piece offered to the first group.
Later in the study, some three hundred college students were given a bagel, either whole or cut into four pieces. Twenty minutes later, the college students were invited to eat as much as they wanted from complimentary food. The researchers find that the students who had the whole bagel ate more calories, both from the bagel and at lunch, than the students who had their bagel broken into four pieces.

Results presented at a meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviors

Devina Wadhera presented her results of this research in Zurich at a meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviors.
So according to this research results, of Devina Wadhera and colleagues at Arizona State University, it might be beneficial to dieters who like to make their meal more satiating and at the same time maintaining portion control for the sake of weight loss, to take care of this cut-up-food-diet and cut up their meals in smaller pieces.

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