Lose weight with a wheat free diet is my account of how I managed to shed pounds and keep them off. There’s also information about the three things that successful dieters do. By successful I mean those who manage to lose weight AND keep it off. How many t…

Lose weight with a wheat free diet is my account of how I managed to shed pounds and keep them off. There’s also information about the three things that successful dieters do. By successful I mean those who manage to lose weight AND keep it off.

How many times do we try to lose weight in the New Year only to give up by Easter because we just cannot continue with the calorie and/or carb counting and because, let's be honest, we are so fed up with it all? We become disheartened, we feel hungry all the time and all we think about is what we can and can't eat.

In 1996 and 1998 I had more babies. I already had two children but I had remarried and Hubby Number 2 did not have any children of his own. So, despite my advancing years (well in the eyes of the doctors I was positively geriatric!) we decided to have a baby. Note: "a" baby! But I ended up having two, only 21 months apart! Result: I went up two dress sizes in two years.

It was tough. I had always been naturally slim, due to small bones, a healthy diet (well most of the time) and being above average height for a UK female at 5ft 5. I had never had to worry about losing weight before. I was also very conscious of the age gap between me and my "younger man" and of course trying to lose the baby flab was tougher because of my age. It did not help that I had only just got back playing tennis when I found out I was pregnant again – although I did carry on playing until I was nearly seven months gone with baby number 4.

Becoming pregnant when you have a 13 month old is hardly the best way to get your body back into shape. I never got back to my normal size 10 (US: 8) between baby number 3 and 4 and having a nine pounder the last time (AND it was a home birth) did not exactly help either. It was not until two years ago that a suggestion by a Homeopathic doctor set me on the path to permanent weight loss and I finally got back to a UK size 10 and it did not cost me a single penny (cent)! So how did I do it? I went on a wheat-free diet.

Lens pic: MY DIET STARTS TOMORROW by cindylu5

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Source: Squidoo

Filed under: Fast Weight Loss Guru

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